Antique Tibetan Foo Dog Hand Painted Box
$199.00$98.00 -
Cast Iron Bamboo Motif Hallway Tree Coat Rack, France 1900s
$4,200.00$93.00 -
Chinese Antique Bamboo Basket With Painted Lid
$350.00$80.00 -
Coat Rack in Leather by Jacques Adnet, 1950s
$2,299.00$91.00 -
Coat Rack in Leather by Jacques Adnet, 1950s
$4,527.00$89.00 -
Cobalt Blue Round Italian Porcelain Box
$100.00$70.00 -
Dilemma Coat Rack by Giancarlo Piretti for Castilia, 1984
$2,660.00$88.00 -
Dunhill Tooled Leather Box with Roman Bronze Mask
$168.00$87.00 -
Early 21st Century Mangosteen Half Tree Wall Coat Rack
$518.00$82.00 -
Émile Gallé Style Art Nouveau Coat Tree
$1,595.00$99.00 -
English Chinoiserie Faux Bamboo Coat Rack
$209.00$80.00 -
French Bronze, Acacia, and Walnut Coat Rack by Émile Galle
$11,143.00$93.00 -
Hand Painted Umbrella Stand Made in Portugal
$328.00$99.00 -
Hinged Brass Clam Shell Trinket Box