"Hackney" Illustration
$450.00$97.00 -
"Harness Trotter" Illustration
$450.00$82.00 -
"Mr Max Beerbohm" Pen & Ink Sketch
$1,250.00$96.00 -
"Polo Scene" Art Piece
$750.00$81.00 -
"Slow Blur" Charcoal Cross-Hatch Drawing on Canvas 1976 Jack Scott
$25,000.00$81.00 -
"T-Blur" Charcoal Cross-Hatch Drawing on Canvas 1977 Jack Scott
$20,000.00$90.00 -
"Three Polo Players" Drawing
$1,600.00$99.00 -
"Woman" Contemporary Nude Figure Drawing by Martha Holden
$175.00$84.00 -
1839 Landscape Pencil Drawing of Green Mount Cemetery, Baltimore
$5,595.00$88.00 -
18th Century Engraving of Lord Viscount Howe
$225.00$88.00 -
1900 – 1909 A T Paxton Art School Illustration Grecian Urn
$175.00$83.00 -
1924 Waterfall Graphite Drawing by Herman Miller
$965.00$83.00 -